
Innovate in the Open!

Today I had the great honor & pleasure of keynoting the Technology Convergence Conference 2012, talking about Open Innovation, Mozilla and how to apply all this to your business.

The summary of my talk reads:


Open Innovation, Crowd Sourcing, Community-driven Innovation, Chaords (describing organizations which are a mixture of Chaos and Order) - the world around us is using "open" as the new default. Fearless leaders are unleashing the beast which redefines the core of many innovation practices. Pascal Finette recounts the inspiring story of Mozilla, the Open Source non-profit organization which managed to break Microsoft's stronghold on the browser market and today has more than 450 million users worldwide. Alongside this fascinating David vs Goliath tale you will learn how Mozilla won by being completely open, working with the wider community and redefining how innovation can be done. At the end of his session, Pascal will have enabled you to tame the beast and make it work for you and your organization.

Here’s the deck: