
Increasing Mozilla's Impact

Mozilla is unique. Unique in it’s structure, in the way we organize ourselves, in the way we work, in the way we interact with others and in the work we’re doing.

Mozilla’s stated mission is “to promote openness, innovation & opportunity on the Web”. That’s it. Simple. And so incredibly important. Pretty much every other organization which is working “on the Web” is beholden to shareholders and their legitimate desire to increase their return on investment. Not Mozilla.

Mozilla impacts the world through our products, the communities we build around these products and the influence we gain through the combination of users and products. And we increasingly build communities around our values – communities which take our values and embed them into their own work.

In both areas we have the unique opportunity to significantly increase scale and scope and thus multiplying our impact on the world – in turn creating a better Web and thus a better world.

I find myself in the amazing position to poke around the organization and help us think “magnitudes bigger/better”. The one question which keeps me up at night (and incredibly excited) is: How can we increase our impact on the world by factor 10? Factor 50? Factor 100?

I’ve got a bunch of ideas – and know that I have huge blind spots. Opportunities I don’t see. Things I haven’t thought about. Ideas which are bubbling beneath the surface.

I would love to hear from you: What would you do to increase Mozilla’s impact in the world?

Leave a comment on this post or send me an email at p @ mozilla.com. And let’s invent the future together.